The government of Egypt constructed the own strategies to introduce the suitable technology for Egyptian conditions to develop and use improved and modern production technology such as new irrigation and drainage system, improved seeds and fertilizers, improved farm management practices, and implement agricultural mechanization programs as the most important factors to achieve agricultural development potentials and establish a sound agricultural policy.
Recognizing the importance of introducing agricultural mechanization as one of the means to increase agricultural production, The Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AEnRI) has been established in 1983 within the Agricultural Research Center (ARC).
AEnRI conducts research on field problems which hinder mechanization and develops new machines and techniques appropriate for the Egyptian conditions. It works closely with manufacturers of Agriucultural machinery to encourage local manufacturer of needed machines. Advice and consultant services are offered to farmers, manufacturers and importers of machinery to solve their specific problems.
The institute has a Tractor and Machinery Testing with up to date testing facilities. The center provides testing services to manufactueres and importers of machinery for nominal fees.
AEnRI provides modern farm level irrigation system designs for sprinkler, drip and gravity irrigation projects. The institute also operates the Rice Mechanization Center (RMC) Meet El-Deeba to encourage the mechanization of rice crop cultivation in Egypt An irrigation lab. was built in 1998 to test irrigation pumps, different compononts of irrigation systems, offering training courses and extension programs for agricultural engineers and researchers.